Stop Hustling. Start Building a Sustainable, Scalable Business.

For female entrepreneurs seeking a proven path to build a business that supports their goals AND their lifestyle.
Ever wish you could take that dream vacation without stressing about your bank account?
Tired of sacrificing precious moments to keep your business afloat? Done with the endless hustle that leaves you feeling burnt out and unfulfilled?

Ready to ditch the endless client chase and build a business that gives you the freedom and financial stability you crave? I know the struggle

I’m Rita
Like you, I longed for success while juggling a demanding business. I taught myself everything – design, marketing, you name it – but the relentless hustle nearly broke me.

Then, I made a breakthrough. By focusing on the right strategies, my business took off. I went from $1500 to consistent five-figure months and finally felt some breathing room…

…then, life happened. My world completely shifted, and I faced the choice: give up or adapt. I chose to adapt, and built a business model that thrives even amidst chaos.

That’s when I found my true calling: helping women like you create businesses built on sustainable strategies, designed to withstand whatever life throws your way. Businesses that give you the freedom to pursue your goals and achieve true financial success.

I get it. I’ve been there. That’s why I’m here to guide you to the success I know you can achieve.

Your roadmap to a profitable business (and life) you deserve.

Inside this program, you’ll master the strategies for:


Building unshakeable CEO confidence

(because imposter syndrome is SO last year)

Filling your calendar with high-paying clients

(goodbye feast-or-famine!)

Creating a magnetic brand that attracts your dream clients

(like moths to a flame, but the good kind)

Streamlining your workflow to reclaim your precious time

(more time for what matters, less hustle)

Pricing your services for maximum profit and building a scalable business model

(your bank account will thank you)

Look, I get it.

Taking a leap is scary. But what’s scarier?
Another year of burnout, inconsistent income, and feeling like your business is running you instead of the other way around? You’ve got the drive and the talent.

Now is the time to harness that and create a business built for lasting success. And with 10 years in the trenches, I’ve got the no-nonsense strategies to help you make it happen.

The time to build the business – and the life you truly want – is NOW.

Master the six pillars of a sustainable business:

Confident CEO Mindset

Overcome limiting beliefs, embrace your power, and step into the CEO role with unwavering clarity and confidence.

Magnetic Brand Blueprint

Define your unique value, create a brand that stands out, and attract your dream clients effortlessly.

Client Attraction Accelerator

Master proven strategies to fill your calendar consistently and become the go-to expert in your niche.

Client Experience Optimization

Deliver a transformational experience that turns clients into loyal advocates for your business.

From Leads to Loyal Clients

Build a sales process that feels authentic, converts with ease, and fosters long-term relationships.

Profitable Package Power

Price with confidence, design irresistible offers, and scale your business for maximum impact.
MONTHLY LIVE CALLS for tailored support and laser-focused Q&A
EXPERT GUEST TRAININGS to expand your skillset and stay ahead of the curve
VIBRANT COMMUNITY of like-minded women for connection, collaboration, and accountability
Exclusive TEMPLATES & WORKSHEETS to save you time and streamline your success

Imagine guilt-free vacations with your family and saying "yes" to those school field trips without breaking a sweat.

Picture the freedom to step away from work knowing your business thrives, even when you're unplugged.

This is about building a legacy and a life you're proud of (and finally ditching that hustle for good!).

Choose your path to freedom & success:

The Sustainable CEO Society Program ($499)

  • Access to the core curriculum, community, and live coaching calls.
  • Ideal for entrepreneurs ready to lay a strong foundation for success.

Regular Price: $999

This program isn’t for everyone. It’s for the savvy women who are ready to ditch the excuses, embrace sustainable success, and create a business and life they love.

Are you ready to transform your business and your life?