Marketing for Moms Who Mean Business

Hey there!
I’m Rita Suzanne
…your marketing strategist, here to help you simplify marketing so you can build a profitable business.
rita suzanne
flowers by laptop

Is this you?

Tired of spinning your wheels with marketing tactics that don’t work?
Struggling to attract the right clients who truly value your expertise?
Worried about your financial stability and how to make your business thrive?
Dreaming of a legacy that provides for your family for years to come?
You’re not alone. As a mom and business owner myself, I’ve felt the same frustrations. But I’ve also discovered a better way.


Your inbox overflowing with inquiries from eager clients who can’t wait to work with you.
Confidently charging what you’re worth and enjoying consistent, predictable income.
Having more time for your family, your passions, and yourself – without sacrificing your business goals.
Building a legacy that makes a difference for your children and generations to come.
This IS possible.

And I’m here to show you how.

I’ll help you…

Simplify Your Marketing : No more complicated tactics or endless to-do lists. We’ll focus on what truly works to attract your ideal clients effortlessly.
Skyrocket Your Profits: Learn proven strategies for pricing, financial management, and finding hidden profit leaks, so you can create a business that thrives.
Protect Your Legacy: Gain the knowledge and confidence to make smart legal and financial decisions that safeguard your business and your family’s future.
Ready to take back control of your business?

Here’s how to get started…

MOM’S GUIDE TO Marketing

Get easy-to-follow strategies that attract your ideal clients, even if you’re short on time or overwhelmed by the options.


Ready for personalized guidance? Book a free consultation to discuss your specific goals and create a customized plan.


Connect with other supportive moms who get it. Get feedback, share your wins, and find the motivation to keep going.

Kind Words from Happy Clients


My dream? Transform my budding business into a well-oiled machine: automated, boasting a website I adore, offering strategic client experiences, and generating income. Self-doubt held me back: could I pull it off, and was my business worth the investment?

Working with Rita changed everything. I absolutely LOVED every step of the process!

My brand and website? I’m smitten! Every piece of advice Rita offered was solid, actionable, and empowering. She instilled confidence and direction, making my dream feel tangible.

Rita is your key to clarity, direction, branding, and website magic. Whether you’re starting out or refining, she’s your go-to!

Transparency is her middle name: services are clearly described, expectations are set, and delivery is flawless and stunning.

Jennifer Singh, MD
Life + Health Coach

P.S. grab my free gift!

Grab my FREE “Am I REALLY Marketing?” Checklist and finally figure out if
your efforts are attracting dream clients
(or just keeping you busy!)