Build a Brand. Boost Your Business.

Create a Memorable Brand

by | Last updated Mar 23, 2024 | Branding, Podcast


Juggling business and personal life can be a challenge, but it’s also an incredible opportunity. And in my latest podcast episode which happens to be my first solo episode, I’m diving deep into the world of building a brand that not only stands out, but helps you achieve your business goals.

Let’s be real: being a mom business owner is tough. But you know what? WE are tougher. And I’m here to tell you that those challenges, the chaos, the love… that can become your secret weapon. A truly authentic brand turns your mompreneur journey into a relatable, inspiring story your clients can’t resist.

Brand power: It’s way more than a logo

I spilled some serious tea in this episode. Like, how a strong brand can boost your revenue by a whopping 23%! But – and this is the big BUT – there’s more to branding than just a pretty website. It’s your story, your “why”, and that thing that lights you up. In this episode, I share my own personal journey navigating mom life and business and how I came out stronger, with a brand that’s truly ME. We’ll talk about finding the heart of your story and turning it into a brand message that resonates.

Brand = Being recognized for your amazingness

Visuals matter, heck yes. But so does your messaging! Branding is also about the way you speak to your people. We dive into how to find your brand’s voice, tap into your unique personality, and the power of consistency–making sure everything you put out into the world feels like you. I even share some of my fave tools for keeping your brand on-point, even when you’re chasing a toddler and running a business.

Action steps: Crafting your masterpiece

Ready to roll up your sleeves? In this episode, I guide you through the questions that make a difference:

  • What big problems do you solve for your clients?
  • How does the world change when they work with you?
  • What’s your brand’s personality? If your brand were a person, what would they be like?

We even play a little game that’ll help solidify your brand’s spirit! Think about it: would your brand be the bubbly best friend, the calm and wise mentor, or the bold trendsetter?

Let’s face it, us moms have a superpower others don’t – we understand the hustle AND the heart of our clients because we live it too. This episode digs into how to lean into that mompreneur magic, crafting a brand message that shows you get them on a deeper level.

Branding is your business bestie

If you’re ready to take your mom business to the next level, a strong brand will be right there, fighting the good fight with you. This episode breaks it down, step-by-step, with all the real talk and inspiration you need.

So grab those earbuds and get listening! After, I’d love for you to share your biggest branding takeaways. Tag me on social and let me know.

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you ditch the overwhelm and build a profitable business that works for your life:

1. The Profitable Mompreneur: Master the marketing essentials and build your biz with confidence! Inside this comprehensive program, you’ll get actionable strategies, time-saving hacks, done-for-you templates, and mindset shifts that’ll transform your business (and your sanity!).

2. Marketing Makeover (VIP Day): Stop spinning your wheels on marketing that isn’t working! In just ONE day, we’ll craft a personalized roadmap to attract your dream clients.

3. Marketing Intensive: Ready to take action and see results FAST? In this power-hour, we’ll laser-focus on ONE key area of your marketing to get you moving forward ASAP.

Written by Rita Suzanne

Rita Suzanne: Business Growth Strategist, helping entrepreneurs build lasting brands & consistent revenue. 10+ years of experience. Passionate about growth & healthy living. Mom of four teenagers. Podcaster, weightlifter, adventurer. Ready to grow your business? Learn more on how to work with Rita.